Photo Shares

Photo Share 2:

Who? : James Clerk Maxwell
What? : The first durable color photograph 
Where? : Scotland
Why? : To create colored images
When? : 1855 to 1872 (publishing about different color analysis's)
How? Maxwell predicted (in his 1855 paper on the perception of color) that if three black-and-white photographs of a scene were taken through red, green, and blue filters and transparent prints of the images were projected onto a screen using three projectors with similar filters, the result would be perceived by the human eye as a complete reproduction of all the colors in the photograph.

I think this photo is "GOOD" because Maxwell created this photo as the first colored photo. This is the world's first demonstration of color photography, presented in 1861 during one of Maxwell's lectures at the Royal Institution. Thomas Sutton, inventor of the single-lens reflex camera, was the actual photographer of this photo. He photographed the tartan ribbon three times, through red, green, and blue filters, also making a fourth photograph through a yellow filter.

Photoshare 3:

Who?: Russell Kirsch
What?: A photo of his son, Walden
Where?: America
Why?: To save the first digital photo
When?: 1957
How?: Scanned a photo of his son onto a computer
I think this photo is "GOOD" because it was the first digital photo, that came out two decades before the first digital camera

Photoshare 4:

Who?: Researchers at MIT
What?: A camera with a resolution of one frame per trillionth of a second
Where?: MIT Media LabWhen?: December 2011
Why?: To film light as it travels
How?: New piece of technology called a streak camera, the aperture of the streak camera is a narrow slit that allows particles of light — photons — enter the camera through the slit (and are converted into electrons.)
I think this photo is "GOOD" because it's amazing that it's possible to create a machine that can show every step to the fastest matter's journey.

Photoshare 5:

Who?: Jan Groover
What?: Still Life
Where?: USA/France
When?: 1987
Why?: She photographed still life for many years
How?: Setting up objects (and lighting) to create a scene
I think this photo is "UGLY" because I usually find still life to be uninteresting or unappealing.

Photoshare 6:
Paul Caponigro

Who?: Paul Caponigro
What?: White deer
Where?: County Wicklow, Ireland
Why?: Known for his 'spiritually moving' images of Celtic megaliths of England and Ireland
When?: Photographed in 1967
I think this photo is "GOOD" because it has a nice contrast between the dark background and the white deer.  It also matches another image he captured of this herd, titled "Running White Deer".

Photoshare 7:

Who?: Anna Atkins
What?: Cyanotype, "Ferns"
Where?: England
How?: Took a cyanotype photo from a process devised by Herschel in 1842. The subject to be recorded is laid onto a paper impregnated with ferric ammonium citrate and potassium ferricyanide. When it is exposed to sunlight and then washed in plain water the uncovered areas of the paper turn a rich deep blue. (this is later known as blueprinting)
Why?: Science purposes
When?: 1840's
I think this photo is "GOOD" because the photo process of cyanotyping seems interesting for that century.

Photoshare 8:

Who?: Roy DeCarava
What?: "The Sound I Saw" series
Where?: NYC and Harlem
When?: 1963 (portrait of John Coltrane)
Why?: “...a creative expression, the kind of penetrating insight and understanding of Negroes which I believe only a Negro photographer can interpret.”
 I think this photo is "GOOD" because it shows the emotion and intensity of the musician at work making music.

Photoshare 9:

Who?: Douglas Kirkland
What?: Celebrity portrait photographer
Where?: Toronto, Canada (birthplace)
When?: Career from 60's to now
Why?: He joined Look Magazine in his early twenties, then Life Magazine during the 60’s-70’s
I think this photo is "GOOD" because it's a well composed portrait with good lighting that captures a piece of his personality.

Photoshare 10:

Who?: George Hurrell
When?:  Born on June 1, 1904,
Where?: Cincinnati, Ohio (birthplace), Hollywood CA*
What?: Hollywood Glamour photographer*
Why?: Became interested in photography through art school while taking reference photos for painting.
 I think this photo is "GOOD" because it's a self portrait that borders his signature style.

Photoshare 11:
Jini Dellaccio self portrait, 1960.

Who?: Jini Dellaccio
When?: Jan. 31, 1917- Jul. 3, 2014
What?: Rock&Roll photographer
Where?: (photographed the ) Pacific Northwest music scene
Why?: Passion for music
I think this photo is "GOOD" because it's very simple for a self portrait, almost as if the camera was any other object and she was sitting naturally.

Photoshare 12:

Who?: John Paul Caponigro
What?: "Floating" Stones
How?: Sketches ideas of different landscapes to find or create them later
Why?: To explore ideas of creating surreal photographs
Where?: Desert
I think this photo is "GOOD" because it's unique and creative, also very realistically surreal.

Photoshare 13:

Who?: Joel Sartore
What?: African Wild Panted Dogs
When?: (recently)
Where?: Omaha Zoo
Why?: Bring awareness to endangered species
I think this photo is "GOOD" because it's bringing awareness to an endangered species while capturing their spirit and character.

Photoshare 14:

An early daguerreotype photo.

Who?: Alexander S. Wolcott
When?: 1804-1844
What?: Inventor of the Daguerreotype camera
Where?: New York
How?: Daguerreotypes are photos that are created by coating a copper plate with silver, then treating it with iodine vapor, this made the plate sensitive to light. After the photo was taken, it would be exposed to mercury vapor and ordinary table salt to develop the image.
I think this photo is "GOOD" because portraits weren't very common in the 1800's and although there are no documented photos taken with his invention, this is the most commonly found photo of Wolcott.

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