About Me

Artist Statement

Hi, and welcome to my blog, let me tell you a little about myself... My name is Juliet Hunt, I'm a photography student in high school (I'm currently a junior). I love almost every form of art including photography. Powerful art, often in the form of music really inspires me. Seeing the sky full of stars, lightning, color, or interesting cloud patterns really captures my attention. I often try to take a photo with whatever camera I have handy to save the image of unique beauty. I'm very interested in night photography, such as evening landscapes and starry skies, as well as taking photographs of storms. Whenever I see these things I have the desire to document their often unnoticed marvelousness. Some artists that inspire me are BanksyFlume, and Ansel Adams. Art to me is a form of self-expression and creation. It can also be an idea of something and deciding to make or modify something to suit that idea. Music specifically is an art form that is one of my biggest influences. I mostly listen to EDM, but I also enjoy rock music, and of course some songs that aren't from those two genres. I believe that most artists have pieces that express a certain emotion and they hope that the emotion could be read by the observer without the artist having to explain otherwise. I'm passionate about music, poetry, and other art forms that tell such stories of emotion, that normal words cannot capture. I'm also passionate in sharing beautiful moments by capturing them through photography to share with others.
Here is a photo that inspires me:

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